Mens Neck Treatment

LA Lipo Creating Shapely Mens Necks

HIFU Neck Lifting Service

HIFU experts, to reduce, tighten and lift your neck for a more youthful appearance.

Do you have excess fat on your Neck?

Men, we have a non surgical solution that’s fast and very effective its called LA Lipo HIFU treatment

How Can our treatments help you to reduce neck fat?


Targeting particular parts of the body for weight loss is notoriously difficult unless you have turkey neck surgery or lipo-suction and historically the only non-invasive way to lose fat in the neck is as part of a general weight loss programme of diet and exercise.

This is a benefit of HIFU in that it can target specific parts of the body.

HiFu is a non-surgical treatment that involves the subjecting of non-ionizing waves deep into the human skin to activate production of collagen responsible for youthful and healthy skin.

The procedure is less harmful and frees clients from post procedural treatments.

Targeting Certain Areas to Lose weight and how HIFU can help

The ultrasonic waves aim at the specific tissues, tightening them for that uplift and new look.

While a fat stomach or fat thighs can be hidden by clothes everyone’s neck is exposed and flabby necks, sometimes called ‘turkey neck’, are difficult to hide.

Fat accumulation around the neck can be caused by an unhealthy diet and, or, a lack of exercise and sometimes can be caused by an underlying medical condition such as Cushing’s Syndrome or hypothyroidism.

Also some families carry genes that are also a factor in being over weight.

This non-invasive treatment reduces the fat under the skin of the neck, to rectify a sagging neck.

No needle, no scalpel, no scar. It is safe, precise, controlled and effective leaving you with a toned and defined neck.

A common problem for men as far as excess weight is concerned a double chin.

This is caused by excess fat in the neck and until now very difficult to get rid of.

LA Lipo’s HIFU treatment goes straight to the source of the problem.


Men who have been successful in losing weight using traditional methods of a good diet and exercise sometimes find that the neck is stubborn when it comes to tighten neck skin.

HIFU reduces and lifts submental fat in the neck in a natural way helping to define and tone the contours of the neck resulting in a slimmer, leaner profile.

LA Lipo are experts in the field and have highly trained specialists in the HIFU procedure enabling you to feel relaxed and confident that you are being treated in a professional environment.

LA Lipo can offer treatment in the LA Lipo Clinic or in the comfort of your own home. and your sagging neck skin will be a thing of the past

Customer Reviews

I was so conscious of my neck I felt it aged me beyond my years, LA Lipo were amazing and I am so pleased with the result!
After had botox many times i wanted something that lasted longer so tried Hifu and so far its working really well
I was lucky enough to be able to grab a last minute offer from LA-Lipo and it was brilliant.